Application form

for Szuter Rally JURASSIC II 2024


Fields marked with an asterisk * require completion. Only two people can register on one form: a party participant and a passenger. Each participant who is not a passenger must be registered separately. The provided data is necessary for: insurance and seat reservation. The data will be verified at the start at the rally office. The submitter is responsible for the correctness of the data. Before sending, carefully check the provided e-mail address and telephone number (this allows us to contact you in case of problems with e-mail). Errors in the e-mail address prevent us from sending confirmation of participation along with the bank account number to which the payment should be made. People who have made a payment are entered on the list of participants. We respond to notifications within 24 hours. Replies are not sent automatically, please be patient.


Dear participants, the message field is for you! This is a place where you can write, for example, who you want to stay in a room or house with. This is the right place to provide other information regarding registration. Your requests will be accommodated whenever possible. Priority in taking into account your accommodation preferences is given in the order in which the application is received.


  1. We will wait for payment within 5 business days of receiving confirmation of your application, after which we will cancel your application.
  2. In case of resignation from participation in the rally, we will not refund the payment.
  3. It is possible to resell the purchased spot in the event of resignation from participation in the rally. In such a case, you must inform us by sending all the required data of the new participant. An exchange is used to resell spots in the rally.
  4. If you want to use the voucher or payment for a canceled rally, please let us know. Please provide the event and the amount of payment to be settled.